Finland’s EU Presidency : Frontpage

02 Jan 2007, 08:41

logo_200-9437913Finland’s EU Presidency ended on 31 December 2006, when the baton was passed on to Germany. The address of the German Presidency’s website is

The website was launched on 31 May 2006, as the Finnish Presidency’s main communication channel. The home page gave visitors information on all the most important meetings. We also provided direct webcast coverage of a large number of Council meetings in Brussels and informal ministerial meetings in Finland. In addition, visitors were able to use the website to subscribe to our sms text-message service and our e-mail press-release service.

The website will stay online after the Presidency has finished.

We wish our German colleagues the very best of luck and a successful six months!

Finland’s EU Presidency Web Team

02 Jan 2007, 08:51

5473494web200-4093970To coincide with the European Council on 15 December, Finland published a summary of the results of the country’s EU Presidency.

The primary focus of the Finnish EU Presidency was on enlargement, energy policy, the strengthening of competition, combating climate change, the Middle East and cooperation between the EU and Russia. Finland is satisfied with the results achieved.

Prime Minister Vanhanen held a speech on the results of Finland’s EU Presidency at the European Parliament on 18 December. In it, the Prime Minister spoke of the Middle East crisis that had arisen right at the start of the Presidency. ” I am proud to say that the EU took a strong and united position on the Lebanese crisis”, he told the European Parliament. He also said that enlargement would continue and those applicants that meet the conditions set by the Union would be able to join.

Prime Minister Vanhanen concluded by stressing that Europe’s future lay in unity. He spoke of his belief in a ”united Europe where border fences are an increasingly rare sight.”

Finland’s Presidency of the EU – results
Speech by Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen in the European Parliament


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